Sunday, June 5, 2011

The UN breakfast - new and improved!

Whilst travelling on buses, trains, and planes on my way to Amsterdam today I had several pleasant encounters with fellow foodies from around the world. Somehow we instantly recognised each other which made it very easy to strike up a conversation and get straight to the topic we love: food, glorious food! None of these people work in the food industry, food is just their lifetime passion and hobby. It made me realise once again how fortunate I am to be able to live in Italy and to spend my days learning about food in an in depth way that I could never have achieved if it were to be a mere past-time. 

I also met a very interesting lady from Eastern Europe who works for one of the security agencies of the UN (I can't tell you which one, it's top secret, hehehe!) This woman works so hard that she even has to cut her vacations short to speed off to some distant destination to dutifully fulfill her job requirements. Inevitably the subject got to food and she told me that she has no time to eat. She has no time to shop for food, no time to prepare it and no time to think about it. Even though she likes to eat well, food is fuel to her at this point in life. Nevertheless, she's not happy with the way she eats and she would like to make some changes. 

Today I will devote my blog to this lady as I have promised to help her with some easy ways of eating well and nutritiously. You see, she is not the only one out there who tries to balance a busy job with a happy and healthy life style. So, while she and so many others are out there devoting their lives towards doing incredibly important work, it is time for this Slow Student to give back a little and share a secret or two about food.

We decided that the first thing she could improve on was breakfast. She used to eat a wholesome savoury breakfast in her home country, but in her new Southern European place of residence she has to contend with capuccino and a brioche. Not bad, you may think, until you have to have it every day. Lunch is usually something quick on the go, often of the unhealthy sort. By the time she finally finishes work she's too exhausted to cook. It would be unrealistic to expect of people like her to change their entire diet, but much progress can be made by doing it one step at a time.

Before we begin, I should mention a few things. I am neither a nutritionist nor a dietitian and this is not a diet or regime. I have merely spent considerable time studying food and I use my own common sense to determine what works best for me and my body. Everyone is different and your age, gender, genetic predisposition and habits will determine how your body behaves and what it needs in terms of diet. This is not a menu aimed at weight loss. The goal is to eat well and feel well. All I can do is give you a few pointers and help you find ways to figure out the best eating pattern for yourself.

So here goes! OrganicSassy hereby officially launches the UN breakfast! The letters U and N standing for Unadulterated Naturalness. I will publish a breakfast menu on this blog, which can be prepared either in advance, for instance on Sunday or on a weekday morning on the spot in less than five minutes! I will take you on a trip to the (super)market to help you buy the things you need, show you how to prepare it and how to enable you to have a sit down breakfast every morning! 

See you soon! Maybe I'll wake you up with breakfast in bed! ;-)

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