Saturday, July 21, 2012

BananaChoc smoothie

Did you wake up this morning feeling a bit low? This smoothie will kickstart your day and energise you! There are few things easier and quicker to make than this drinking breakfast. Unlike a hearty sit down breakfast this will fill you up without making you feel heavy or sluggish and you can have it 'on the go', which makes it perfect for the stress addicts out there. If you suffer morning nausea try to eat or drink slowly (small sips intermitted with short pauses) as to give your stomach a chance to 'accept' the nutrition and start up your metabolism. Bananas are easily digestible, which is why it is a staple food for many babies.

Banana makes a perfect start to the day as it slowly releases energy which delays those nasty mid-morning hunger pangs. It is also high in potassium which, when consumed regularly, aids the cardiovascular system and protects you from high blood pressure and stroke. Another good reason for stress addicts to have banana for breakfast!


  • 1/4 liter / 1 cup of (organic) milk or soy drink
  • 2 peeled (organic and / or fair trade) bananas, broken up in smaller pieces
  • 2 table spoons of fair trade, organic cocoa

We don't need a lot of kitchen utensils, just a blender and a portable mug. 

Plug in your blender and put the peeled bananas, cocoa and milk in the jug. Put the lid on tightly and press the pulse button for 30 seconds and blend until smooth. Pour the mixture in the portable mug, grab your bag and off you go!

Variations: you can replace the milk with plain yoghurt or you can omit the cocoa and add vanilla yoghurt instead of milk. 

Note: there is no need to add sugar as the bananas are already sweet enough naturally. As bananas ripen, the starch in the fruit turns to sugar. Therefore, the riper the banana the sweeter it will taste. Don't be afraid to use bananas with brown skins: they are just very ripe! Any discoulorations on the peeled fruit should be removed, but the rest you can use without any danger.

Photo: courtesy of Laura Leigh Parker

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